ALT Phalloplasty Without Urethra

Phalloplasty Surgical Procedure without Urethral Lengthening:

Phalloplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to construct a functional penis for individuals who have undergone gender reassignment or have been born with a congenital abnormality. This procedure can be carried out with or without urethral lengthening.

“In this article, we will focus on the surgical procedure without urethral lengthening.”


The surgery can be performed using either the forearm or the thigh as the donor site for the tissue to construct the penis. The tissue is then carefully dissected and shaped to form the shaft of the penis. The head of the penis is created by dissecting a portion of the glans from the clitoral tissue. This new penis will have adequate girth and length to allow for sexual penetration and urination while standing. After the new penis has been constructed, it is connected to the existing urethra, allowing the individual to urinate through the penis.

The scrotum can also be reconstructed during this procedure, using skin and fat from other parts of the body, to give the appearance of a male scrotum.


One of the advantages of phalloplasty without urethral lengthening is that the procedure is less complex and less invasive compared to the procedure with urethral lengthening. This results in a shorter recovery time and a lower risk of complications. The individual can also expect to experience less pain and discomfort during the recovery period. However, it is important to note that without urethral lengthening, the individual may not be able to experience sensation in the newly constructed penis. In addition, the ability to control the flow of urine may be limited.

“It is important to understand the limitations of the procedure, including the potential for reduced sensation and limited control over urine flow, before making a decision to undergo the procedure. As with any surgical procedure, it is important to carefully consider all of the potential risks and benefits before proceeding with the surgery.”

In conclusion,

Phalloplasty without urethral lengthening is a surgical procedure that provides individuals who have undergone gender reassignment or have been born with a congenital abnormality with a functional penis. The procedure is less complex and less invasive, resulting in a shorter recovery time and a lower risk of complications.