Churu Misama

A Social Sensation.


          With an impressive following of between 500,000 and 600,000 people on social media already, Churu Misama has even bigger plans in mind. The successful make-up artist and online video personality wants to bring her personal stories to an ever growing audience. The 26 year-old is from Japan, a country that eagerly adapts to new trends in technology, culture, and ways of living. And Churu Misama is becoming the face of change for transsexuals in her homeland. Combined with her professional talent in make-up, her endearing character and outward beauty has matched her resolute inner soul in creating a unique harmony of spirit.


          In 2018, Churu Misama traveled to Thailand for gender confirmation surgery at Bangkok's Kamol Cosmetic Hospital. She has also undergone several other procedures at the same place, including facial feminization, forehead contouring, and Adam's apple shaving—technically known as tracheal shaving. Coming through the process, Churu Misama emerged triumphant and poised for greater things in life.


          Perhaps Churu Misama's greatest gift is as a storyteller. That particular ability has launched her to fame on Youtube, where she has over 100,000 followers. When you see and hear her tell of her own adventures, fears, and joys, you can understand her appeal. She creates a spot where viewers can come and listen to personal aspirations that they can relate to. Her energy, her confidence, and her wonderful daring audacity combine to make her a role model and spokeswoman for other transsexuals contemplating, or having completed, the same journey already undertaken by Churu Misama.