Yoshi Rinlada, Miss Tiffany Universe 2017

Fuller bust

          Yoshi Rinlada is Miss Tiffany Universe’s 2017. Yoshi was one of the contenders known and loved for her sweet, feminine look but only that didn’t make her feel confident enough entering the pageant. She had always dreamed to having a perfect body and perfect career, and at 18 years old, she received breast augmentation surgery to make her dreams come true. She chose for 325cc implant, which was just the perfect size for her frame. 

          After the surgery, Yoshi’s confidence grew. Her breasts become fuller and supple, with the nipples positioned in the right and perfect position. With the suitable implant size to complete her look, Yoshi blossomed. From an innocent girl, Yoshi is now a confident young woman and probably one of the most successful in the scene today. 


before and after breast augmentation