Candy Kulchaya now needs smaller breasts that are more suitable for modeling and decided to undergo a breast reduction...
She needed a surgery to fix the cleavage breasts, close the gap between them to make them more naturally looking.
Our patient had her breast implant at a clinic in the south, without knowing what silicone and what size were used.
Benefit of Metoidioplasty
Instruction of thigh lift surgery
How painful is thigh lift surgery?
How to prevent and treatment scar after tummy tuck?
Mommy makeover
Vaginoplasty for Congenital Birth Defect, MRKH
Why chin-to-jaw surgery is a necessary part of FFS?
Forehead and Hairline Surgery for Gender Affirmation
Detransitioning MTF to Male
ALT Phalloplasty without urethal
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Sleeve gastrectomy vs Gastric bypass
What are the side effect of sleeve gastrectomy?
Why BBL is dangerous procedure?
What is the side effect of BBL?