Smoking is terrible for voice feminization surgery / VFS

Smoking is terrible for voice feminization surgery / VFS

          Smoking can have a number of negative effects on the voice. The smoke and chemicals in cigarettes can irritate the vocal cords, causing hoarseness, a rough or raspy voice, and a decrease in the vocal range. Smoke can also dry out the mucous membranes that line the larynx, making it difficult for the vocal cords to produce sound.

          Smoking can also lead to the formation of polyps or nodules on the vocal cords. These benign growths can cause a variety of voice problems, including hoarseness, difficulty speaking, and a reduction in the vocal range. In some cases, polyps or nodules may need to be surgically removed in order to restore normal vocal function.

          Long-term smoking can also increase the risk of developing laryngeal cancer, which can affect the voice and may even require surgery or radiation therapy to treat.

          In summary, smoking can cause a number of issues to your vocal cords, including hoarseness, reduced vocal range, and the formation of nodules or polyps. More severe cases may lead to cancer or require surgery.