Neo-vaginal fistula with colostomy bag revision


Neo-vaginal fistula with colostomy bag is successfully repaired by Kamol Cosmetic Hospital.

In one of the worst cases we have ever seen, Miss Mai Yixuan, presented to us after unsuccessful surgery in Taiwan which left her with a Neo-vaginal fistula after gender reassignment surgery by penile inversion vaginoplasty, which is a hole between the rectum and the vagina located around 2 inches inside vaginal canal. She had the feces out in her vagina which causes irritation, infection and severe health risks. The initial hospital did not know how to fix the fistula so they made a terrible decision to give her a sigmoid colostomy meaning she no longer could use her digestive system normally.

Sigmoid colon colostomy                                         A result of after colostomy reversal 7 days 

Her colostomy bag located in the lower left-hand side of the abdomen.

She had suffered from the colostomy bag, was depressed, uncomfortable and spent over one year without hope.

She try to contact various surgeons around the world without success. Desperate to know how to fix the fistula and how to create her vagina cavity again. The doctor in Taiwan was unable to fix her the original hospital left her with a colostomy bag. Mai was depressed lost and looking for a doctor with the experience and knowledge to be able to fix her. Having a superb reputation for vaginoplasty revision various surgeons and doctors told her to come to Kamol Hospital and so eventually she got in touch.

She had two surgeries with us. The first surgery was to close fistula and make her new vaginal canal by cleverly harvesting a different part of the colon. In a difficult case the usual part of the colon had already been used to make the colostomy, her peritoneum had been damaged by the previous surgeon and so with limited choices Dr Kamol and his world class team used the right side of the colon. It was a difficult but completely successful surgery.

Colostomy Reversal

      Before Surgery                            After Surgery (7 Days)                  After Surgery (1 Month)

Four weeks later having assessed Mai’s recovery and the health of her colon we performed the second surgery which was to reconnect her colon and also to perform aesthetic vaginal touch up to make the outer vagina / vulva aesthetics better.

Finally, after suffering for over a year Mai was free her from her a colostomy bag, her stress her limits and not only this she had a perfectly functional vagina, something she could have only have dreamed of months earlier.

6 weeks after arriving at Kamol Hospital Mai left our hospital with a deep, functional vagina, no colostomy bag and more happiness and freedom than she felt in years.

Desperate to help others avoid her situation she wanted to warn others and this in her own words is her heartwarming story of Mai finally getting her life back.


Video: Neo-vaginal fistula with colostomy bag revision experience