La farmacista Siripen Pansritum

          We would like extend our sincere congratulations to our beloved CEO of Kamol Cosmetic Hospital,  Pharm. Siripen Pansritum who recently has been nominated and honored as the Most Outstanding Alumni of the Year 2019” of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. The award granting ceremony, presided over by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Associate Prof. Wirath Niwattananun, marked the 55th   anniversary of her alma mater, which took place during October, 23-25, 2019 at the Chiangmai University and Unmiman Hotel respectively.

In this prestigious event, the awards were granted in five categories as follows;

  1. Founder and Head master
  2. Most appreciated and respectful professors of the year.
  3. Hall of fame
  4. Most appreciated and respectful alumnus of the year
  5. Most outstanding alumnus of the year