Tips You should Know for Recovering after Liposuction

9 Tips You Should Know After Liposuction

For Recovering From Liposuction


There are some important things you should know before coming to liposuction surgery because some things require planning in advance. 


9 Tips for liposuction

1.Get Someone to Help You.

          If you are not going to stay with us for a long time in our recovery hotel “K Garden” it is recommended to bring someone to help take you home because the journey home may be difficult if we drive back by ourselves. In addition, during the first days after returning home, it would be helpful to have someone available to take care of you at home if you need it.

2. Be Careful Sitting Up After Liposuction.

          You need to be careful sitting up after liposuction because you may feel faint or dizzy, especially when getting out of bed. I recommend you do it step by step. First get up in bed then sit on the bed with your feet on the ground. If there is no dizziness try to stand up but you don't have to walk. Just stand still first. When walking, walk slowly.

3. In the case of large volumes of liposuction, a drain hose must be used to avoid bruising and liquid under the skin.

          If a large amount of fat is sucked, there may be a drain hose. It will be removed before leaving the hospital or an appointment to remove it after a few days will be made. In the first few days liquid in the drain will be red, but after that it will be yellow. The drain is only used for a few days and is a preventative measure. Removing it doesn't hurt. 

4. Check for swelling after liposuction

          Swelling after liposuction is the worst during the first month and will gradually resolve. At around two to three months depending on each person your surgery areas will be flat and have the results you want. 

5. Wear your compression garment after liposuction.

          We will give you a compression garment after liposuction which should be worn ideally for three months, but if not at least the first month. Wear it as often as you can to keep swelling to a minimum. 

6. Clean the surgical wound with the recommended medicines

          The incision after liposuction surgery is approximately 1 cm in size. There may be more than one incision depending on the number of points where liposuction is performed. Use saline or betadine to wipe the wound. 

7. Shower 48 hours after surgery

          After 48 hours, take a shower as normal. Do not rub soap on the wound. After bathing, towel dry. It is usually recommended to wash the wound at least once a day. It's convenient to do after taking a shower.

8. Start light exercise two weeks after surgery

          Exercise after liposuction can be started about two weeks after surgery. If it is painful, wait a few days more before trying again. If you don't have increased swelling and it doesn't hurt, then gradually increase it little by little.

9. Eat normally

          There is no particular food that is prohibited. In the early days after liposuction surgery you can eat normally. Do not rush too fast or diet. The body also needs nutrients to heal surgical wounds.