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What to expect from breast reconstruction surgery

What can you expect from Breast Reconstruction at Kamol Cosmetic Hospital?

Kamol Hospital offers breast reconstruction surgery for women who have undergone a mastectomy due to breast cancer or other conditions.

"The goal of the surgery is to recreate the appearance of a natural breast using either implants or the patient's own tissue."

Here is what a patient can expect during the breast reconstruction process at Kamol Hospital:

  • Consultation: A patient will have a consultation with a plastic surgeon to discuss options and determine the best approach for their individual needs and medical history.
  • Pre-operative Testing and Preparation: Before the surgery, the patient will undergo pre-operative testing and preparation, which may include medical evaluations and any necessary lab work.
  • Surgery: The surgery to reconstruct the breast using either implants or the patient's own tissue will take place. The type of reconstruction chosen will impact the specific steps taken during the surgery.
  • Post-operative Care: After the surgery, the patient will receive post-operative care, including follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process and possibly additional procedures to optimize the results.

It is important to note that:

The results of breast reconstruction may not be exactly the same as the patient's original breasts and there may be some postoperative discomfort, swelling, and scarring. However, the patient can expect to receive comprehensive care and support throughout the entire process at Kamol Hospital.