Why is called Adam is apple?

Uncovering the Origin of the Term “Adam's Apple”:

The term "Adam's apple" is a commonly used expression that refers to the prominent bump or protuberance on the front of the human neck. But where did this term come from and what is its origin?

‘The most widely accepted explanation of the term's origin is a biblical one. According to the biblical story of Adam and Eve, the first man, Adam, ate a piece of forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. As he swallowed the fruit, it became stuck in his throat and created a visible bulge, which is now known as the Adam's apple.’

However, this explanation is not supported by any scientific evidence and is primarily a myth. The Adam's apple is actually a part of the larynx, also known as the voice box, which is an important component of the human respiratory and vocal system. The Adam's apple is formed by the cartilage that surrounds the larynx and protects it from damage.

Regardless of its origin, the term "Adam's apple" has been in use for hundreds of years and continues to be used today as a colloquial expression to describe the protrusion on the front of the neck.

‘It is a reminder of the many myths and legends that have been passed down through the generations and continue to be a part of our cultural heritage.’

In conclusion,

The origin of the term "Adam's apple" remains shrouded in mystery and is likely the result of a combination of biblical, cultural, and linguistic influences. Regardless of its origin, the term has become a widely recognized expression that is used to describe a characteristic feature of the human anatomy.