Voice Masculinization

Female to male voice surgery or voice masculinization

This type of surgery is performed if the patient is not satisfied with his voice despite the use of the male hormone therapy. Unlike the female voice a lower fundamental frequency of the voice is associated with men.

Before the surgery, an accurate videolaryngostroboscopy and spectrum-acoustic study of the voice will be performed to highlight the real and fundamental frequency and to plan the best operation to achieve the patients goals.

A masculine voice is a low frequency voice, around 100-125 Hz, which is lower than the average frequency for men's voices.

The surgical technique involves a 2-3 cm incision in the neck area. The external laryngeal structure is identified and reduced diameters. The vocal folds are shortened to make your voice deeper and lower in pitch.

Picture 1 shows reduce laryngeal diameter

This technique is very safe and don’t interfere your vocal fold.

After operation, you can feel mildly dysphagia, phlegm in your throat and lumpness.

This procedure you should admit in hospital for 1-2 night.

Post-operative Care

- Day 1 to 7: You must maintain absolute silence until the first follow up. There are no food and drink restrictions.
- Day 3 to 7: Keep the vocal cords lubricated by drinking lots of water and nebulize with a sterilized saline solution. 
- Day 8 to 10: After the vocal rest period a new videolarygostroboscopic and spectrum-acoustic study is performed. The outer stitches are removed, the dressing is changed and the speech therapy rehabilitation can start.

The speech therapist will teach the patient how to use her new voice in the best way possible. The final result will be seen between the third month and the eighth month after surgery. For this reason a follow up is recommended at the third, sixth and twelfth month after surgery.

Note: The surgical team reserves the right to assess the feasibility case by case if the upcoming patient already underwent the voice change surgery using a different technique and is not satisfied with the result of his / her voice.

In order to prevent acid reflux it’s highly recommended to avoid caffeine, chocolate, peppermint, fatty foods, acidic foods, soda and alcoholic drinks.

One week off from work is sufficient as long as long as it’s possible to follow the voice restrictions. Two weeks off from work are required if the use of your voice is needed.

Risk and complications

  • scar at neck
  • Infection around area of injury
  • Hematoma and edema
  • Necrosis and bruising
  • Pain after surgery
  • Voice hoarseness
  • sounds not change < depend on patient factors>

Voice masculinization speech therapy

            Voice masculinization speech therapy is a treatment to refine your voice, making it sound more feminine. The treatment has to be done before and after the voice feminization surgery to provide your effortless control of speech. Before voice feminization surgery is performed, your voice has to be assessed and tuned to let you have a proper speech. After voice feminization surgery is performed, you would have to learn to feminize your voice and how to speak effortlessly. This program is provided by a specialized, skilled speech therapist, inclusive of multiple sessions of practice until you complete all aspects of voice feminization therapy, under the guidance of our speech therapist. Practicing without a guidance of the specialist may result in edema of your vocal cord and can cause a failure in our training program.

Video: Voice Masculinization Surgery / VMS



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