声音女性化手术的目的是提高男女跨性别患者声道的基本频率和共振频率。音调,声音和语音之间存在一些差异。 声带就像发声器,各个音高取决于声带振动的频率。 我们的喉咙,嘴巴,鼻子和鼻窦的大小和形状使声音有所不同。 嘴唇,牙齿和舌头的运动将语音转换为我们称为语音的单词和句子。语音受大脑控制,以表达感觉,思想,情感等。因此,语音练习对于成功进行语音外科手术和 说话舒服。 这就是为什么只能由经验丰富的跨性别语音言语治疗师来教言语练习的原因。
在手术前至少2周停止吸烟。 在进行任何甲状腺手术之前,需要对每位患者进行仔细的视频喉镜检查和频谱声学研究,以更好地计划手术并评估手术后的结果。 考试持续一小时,包括程序讨论,替代治疗,风险,问题和答案。 进行第一次评估后,患者将每周花费一小时,每周2-3次,与言语治疗师一起将声音重新训练成自然语言。
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图片1 甲状旁腺 |
图片2 人声道 |
图片3 声带显示
注意: 如果即将来临的患者已经使用另一种技术进行了变声手术并且对他/她的声音结果不满意,则外科团队保留根据具体情况评估可行性的权利。
Female to male voice surgery or voice masculinization:
This type of surgery is performed if the patient is not satisfied with his voice despite the use of the male hormone therapy that, unlike the female one, lower the fundamental frequency of the voice.
Before the surgery, an accurate videolaringostroboscopic and spectrum-acoustic study of the voice is performed to highlight its real fundamental frequency and to plan the best operation in line with the patient needs.
In this case the surgical intervention consists of an increase in the mass of the vocal cards through an intra-cords injection of biocompatible material (from autologous fat to hydroxyl-apatite depending on the cases).To the increase vocal cords mass, follows a lowering of the voice fundamental frequency, as desired by patient. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and its duration is about 20- 30 minutes. The patient generally does not experience any pain after surgery and feeding has no limitations.
After the surgery there is a mandatory period of silence of about two days. A new videolaringostroboscopic and spectrum-acoustic study is then performed to evaluate the new fundamental frequency and afterwards the patient can start talking again, always with the help of speech therapist.
As usual, only one injection of biocompatibility material is sufficient, but the biological re-absorption of the injected material is individual and not predictable in each case. Regularly the male voice duration long lasts some years and in any case this operation is perfectly repeatable.
Voice Feminization Surgery (MTF Voice Surgery) in Bangkok, Thailand
Having a natural sounding feminine voice is important to complete the male-to-female sex reassignment surgery. After voice feminizing surgery, our speech therapists, Ms. Srinakorn Prohmtong and Ms. Sirirat Prayoonperaput, guide you to your new voice that will define your identity.
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Ms. Srinakorn Prohmtong | Ms. Sirirat Prayoonperaputcan |
Speech and Voice Therapist | Speech and Voice Therapist |
Male to female voice therapy is voice therapy to feminize the voice. Male to female voice training will help patient naturally communicate with authentic voice that is true to their gender identity. You will learn how to develop a feminine voice from the basic of frequency and tone with ease. Your posture, behavior and facial expression is important as well. The speech therapists will help you to gain control of your voice with crucial aspects such as breathing,
resonance, intonation and the combination of these aspects with natural feminine voice.
Therapy can start both before and after surgery to achieve the best result, only 10 minutes a day.
Voice feminization speech therapy
Voice feminization speech therapy is a treatment to refine your voice, making it sound more feminine. The treatment has to be done before and after the voice feminization surgery to provide your effortless control of speech. Before voice feminization surgery is performed, your voice has to be assessed and tuned to let you have a proper speech. After voice feminization surgery is performed, you would have to learn to feminize your voice and how to speak effortlessly. This program is provided by a specialized, skilled speech therapist, inclusive of multiple sessions of practice until you complete all aspects of voice feminization therapy, under the guidance of our speech therapist. Practicing without a guidance of the specialist may result in edema of your vocal cord and can cause a failure in our training program.
Voice feminization training program @ Kamol Cosmetic Hospital
Before having a voice feminization surgery, your voice and speech would be assessed by our speech therapist, preferably about one week prior to the surgery. Our speech therapist will help you tune your voice and let you speak with the least effort as a preparation session before the surgery.
After the voice feminization surgery, you will be appointed with the speech therapist to assess your vocal cord function and help you speak in a healthy manner. This session would be held at the second and fourth week after the surgery. You will be given daily voice exercise as homework to yield the best result. Afterwards, monthly online follow-up meetings with our speech therapist can be arranged via Skype. This way, you can get your voice analysis at home or wherever most convenient to you. Each meeting should be around one hour.