Natalie De Oliveira è una Ragazza fortunata, dopo aver completato la sua chirurgia, si è fidanzata con un medico italiano. La vita come un sogno
Lotta per la vita Ya Xin Shi una bellissima ragazza cinese, con la sua grande energia, lotta per il successo della sua vita. Nessuno la ferma. Per Saperne di più.
Treechada "Poyd" Petcharat is Thailand's most famous transgender star. She is a talent actress. She is one of the most beautiful face.
È venuta al Kamol Cosmetic Hospital per migliorare la sua armonia facciale e le sue proporzioni.
The story of a Miss photogenic that wanted to become beautiful also in real life.
Not many people around the world tend to know much about Laos. For those that do, when...
She worked hard because she knows that someday all her dreams turn into reality
For Andrea Jaca-Smith, the path to becoming a transgender woman was not an easy one.
The facial surgery improves my beauty and harmony. It makes me more confident.
The result of the surgery was very impressive. Just only 10 days after surgery. She felt satisfied and she spent her life...
For Seda, a 22 year-old transgender woman from Istanbul, Turkey, her travel to...
Nachad underwent many procedures such as Rhrinoplasty, Jaw Reduction, Chin Reduction
Just how much better things have become for those seeking gender confirmation surgery...
I just want to tell all of you guys about my experience. Life to me wasn't graceful... as probably...
She is now only 21 years old with fierce look. She participated in Miss Tiffany’s Universe 2017
A model and Chinese interpreter with really sweet looks. She graduated her education...
Kim Minso is an active Youtuber who has been documenting her gender transition since
It's my legacy, and it's my promise for everyone,” says Alexis Tan.
grazie al magnifico dott. Kamol. Sono di nuovo felice nei miei 58 anni. Leggi tutto