To initiate the sex reassignment surgery with our experts
is a life-changing moment which brings a series
People often refer it to as the SRS
Facial feminization surgery for women is a type of cosmetic treatment
Adults with gender dysphoria often go for sex change reassignment surgery Australia.
Dear all trans women... we, Kamol Cosmetic Hospital, always have your back.
Congratulations to our New Queen, Miss Grand Thailand 2019, Coco Araya Suparurk.
O Kamol Cosmetic Hospital teve a honra de receber a Organização da Miss Grand Thailand e as participantes do concurso
Este é o 8° ano em que o Kamol Cosmetic Hospital doa 12 bolsas de estudos
A simple lady from NAN who handle of expanding the hospital facilities.
“A incerteza de viver me impressionou”, diz ele agora, “e isso mudou minha visão sobre a vida.”
Kamol Cosmetic Hospital, one of the world’s best destinations for gender confirmation surgery.