Hairline Design in Hair Transplant

          In a general rule, an enchanting esthetic distance especially in male patients is about 8 cm from the midglabella to the hairline, incorporating irregularity at the front of the hairline to mimic nature. Including frontotemporal recessions are also important for the masculinity of a conservative and mature frontal hairline. The progression of male pattern baldness may aggravate the problem of male-to-female transgender patients for nice hairline. The iconic female hairline should be approximately a third of the facial length, with little to no frontotemporal recessions and a minimal temporal peak similar to the concave line. Feminizing the hairline necessitates single-hair and some two-hair grafts at the anterior 1 cm of the hairline, following the direction of hair growth. The design for hair transplant is the art and craft for the achievement of pleasant hairline to the patients of their desired gender.  


How to draw a feminine hairline

Feminine hairline can be considered as quite opposite to masculine hairline. Generally, it is more soft, fluid and rounded. Midfrontal point is settled slightly lower than usual masculine hairline. The relationship of midfrontal point, lateral frontal point and temporal apex point is reversed. Therefore, the shape of hairline is concave or ovoid with a closed and rounded frontotem-poral angle, i.e., with a curved hairline but no frontotemporal recession.


Picture 1. feminine hairline


Picture 2. feminine hairline




How to draw a Masculine Hairline

The purpose is to achieve as close as possible to the ideal hairline. Generally, a distance of about 8 cm. from a horizontal line above the eyebrows to the hairline at the midline works wisely, but in some patients a slightly longer or shorter distance is appropriate, depending on the specific facial features and shape and size of the head; the interrelationship and proportions of the face and skull are also important factors. From there the hairline recedes somewhat laterally, creating a moderate frontotemporal recession that produces a V shape.


Picture 3. Masculine hairline